17th Century Italian Recorder Music
Girolamo Frescobaldi - Giovanni Battista Fontana - Giovanni Battista Buonamente - Tarquinio Merula - Marco Uccellini - Giovanni Battista Riccio - Giovanni Martino Cesare - Carlo Farina - Nicolò Corradini

17th Century Italian Recorder Music

La Fontegara Amsterdam

Label: Globe
Format: CD
Barcode: 8711525506503
Catalog number: GLO 5065
Releasedate: 19-08-02

- The recorder is one of the most popular instruments and recordings of a recorder ensemble always arouse a lot of interest with the ancient music crowd.

- The program presented here offers a very interesting cross section or 17th century Italian music with composers who worked mainly in Rome and Venice.

- Most of these works have never been recorded before.

- The first GLOBE recording with La Fontegara has received very good reviews from all over the world and is still one of the best-selling items in our catalogue, so the same is bound to happen to this sequel with even more interesting repertoire.

La Fontegara Amsterdam was founded in 1979 and ever since the group's formation it has worked on and succeeded in developing a very individual and original style of performance, presentation and programming, never shying away from original arrangements and the use of theatrical effects. The three members of La Fontegara Amsterdam - Saskia Coolen, Peter Holtslag and Han Tol - are leaving their marks on the international concert stages as well us on the realm of recorder and early music pedagogy. There is also an increasing number of composers writing new music for La Fontegara. They are joined here once again by three eminent artists, all experts in their own fields: Australian cellist Marion Middenway, American bassoon and dulcian player David Mings and the brilliant harpsichordist Jacques Ogg whose solo recordings have earned him an international reputation.


La Fontegara Amsterdam was founded in 1979 and ever since the group's formation it has succesfully worked on developing a very individual and original style of performance, presentation and programming, never shying away from original arrangements and the use of theatrical effects. The three members of La Fontegara Amsterdam - Saskia Coolen, Peter Holtslag and Han Tol - are leaving their marks on the international concert stages, as well as on the realm of recorder and early music pedagogy. There is also an increasing number of composers writing new music for La Fontegara. They are joined here once again by three eminent artists, all experts in their own fields: Australian cellist Marion Middenway, American bassoon and dulcian player David Mings and the brilliant harpsichordist Jacques Ogg whose solo recordings have earned him an international reputation.