Majesty of thy Glory
Henry Purcell - Edward Elgar - Herbert Howells

Majesty of thy Glory

Morris, Le Grice, Temple Church Cho

Label: Signum Classics
Format: CD
Barcode: 0635212022528
Catalog number: SIGCD 225
Releasedate: 01-01-11

The Temple Church is one of the most historic and beautiful churches in London. Situated between Fleet Street and the Thames Embankment, its recorded musical history extends back to its restoration in 1841, although a church has stood on the site for over 800 years.

The modern choir is comprised of 18 boy choristers and 12 professional choirmen – an excellent opportunity for the choristers who receive singing and theory tuition as well as generous scholarships towards their education. The programme explores three fascinating and contrasting settings of the Te Deum: A stalwart of the church liturgy (first conceived as far back as AD 387), these settings span over 300 years of English music history, composed respectively in 1694 (Purcell), 1897 (Elgar) and 1944 (Howells).