Piano - 20th Century
Franz Liszt - Alban Berg - Arnold Schönberg - Bernd Alois Zimmermann

Piano - 20th Century

Cathy Krier

Label: CAvi
Format: CD
Barcode: 4260085533398
Catalog number: AVI 8553339
Releasedate: 16-10-15
- A young pianist shows the development of the 20th century Piano music from atonal to serial.

- There is the development from the latest Liszt works to the latest serial works of the late Schönberg

- Cathy Krier is one of the young pianists inspired by the Piano Music of the late 19th and early 20th centuary and selected by the Luxembourg committee for the “Raising Star 2015/2016” series, concerting through the 16 great European concert Halls.
The early 20th century is a period that fascinates me. The prevalent musical aesthetic was disrupted by a new generation of composers who maintained their roots in tradition, but felt a great desire to expand music's horizions: they formed a multitude of currents and embarked on a number of different paths, all driven by the idea of transfiguring everything they had previously known. For this album I have chosen to retrace the path originally taken by Arnold Schoenberg. Born in Vienna in 1874, Schoenberg had an atypical career. Upon his father's death, he had to leave school as the eldest sibling at the age of sixteen to take up a profession. As an autodidact he learned the essentials of composition by sight-reading great repertoire and by playing chamber music on the cello and the violin. Married to the sister of Alexander Zemlinsky, Schoenberg took some counterpoint lessons from that composer and soon started teaching harmony and counterpoint himself, from 1903 on. His