Miklós Maros, Complete Piano Works
Miklos Maros

Miklós Maros, Complete Piano Works

Moritz Ernst

Label: Perfect Noise
Format: CD
Barcode: 0719279933604
Catalog number: PN 1704
Releasedate: 05-10-18
- Brilliant first recording of all the keyboard works by Miklós Maros
- First recording of the woks for 16th tone piano and 1/3-tone Piano
- Moritz Ernst proves again his skills in contemporary music.

Reflections on my keyboard works by Miklós Maros.

"A composer communicates by means of his music. To express oneself, one needs a language, a musical language which is personal and at the same time imparts itself by its own internal logic: to the musicians interpreting the music as well as to the audience listening to it.. .

Anyway, curiosity is one of the most important traits of a composer: One should be aware of what has been achieved already but also know what does not fit into one's musical language. Students of music are often required to work with different styles, compositional techniques and musical languages. They analyse and imitate the music of the great masters also to gain practical experience.

However, this may as well result in a high or sometimes exaggerated respect for certain kinds of music. And not without reason: After all, what can a young composer add to a repertoire already developed by the greatest minds through the centuries by writing new symphonies or sonatas? To devise my own musical universe in my work, I thoroughly went through the different aspects and elements of music. I wrote many little pieces which concentrate primarily on the melodic, harmonic or rhythmical elements and studied possibilities for numerous new sound combinations with unconventional ensembles.

There was no particular function for keyboard music in this kind of work. For working with tone colours or maybe even with melodic material, the piano was not my first choice. Piano music plays such a major and important role in music literature, including the small pieces, why should I use this particular instrument? ..."

A brilliant recording showing the enormous variety of the keyboard works by Miklós Maros.