Complete works for Violin and Piano
Sergei Prokofiev

Complete works for Violin and Piano

Duo Khojayan Poortinga

Label: Aliud
Format: CD
Barcode: 8717775551843
Catalog number: ACDOE 1362
Releasedate: 01-12-23
The violin sonatas of Sergei Prokofiev were written during the tumultuous years of 1938-1946. Prokofiev’s musical language in both sonatas was already fully developed. 

David Oistrakh added: “I can say without the slightest exaggeration that nothing written for the violin for years, here or elsewhere, can equal the beauty and the depth of this piece.” 
For Meri Khojayan and Robert Poortinga ‘A deep lasting impression from a performance’ is their ultimate aim for their audience. Their idea of forming a duo that focusses solely on the performance of violin-piano repertoire came about at the beginning of 2015. Since then, they have dedicated their lives to a repertoire with incredible potential.