Complete Piano Music and works inspired by them
Anton von Webern - Brian Belet - Jeffrey Chau - Ramyville Gache - Daniela Amodei - Martha Stoddard - Donivan Johnson - Christina Oatfield - Denise Matzion - James Mcmanus - Pablo E. Furman

Complete Piano Music and works inspired by them

Janis Mercer

Label: Centaur Records, Inc.
Format: CD
Barcode: 0044747377124
Catalog number: CRC 3771
Releasedate: 08-01-21
- The is the only album combining all of Webern's solo piano works with this group of contemporary compositions inspired by Webern's piano works.
This album features the complete solo piano music of Anton von Webern, as well as a group of works by contemporary composers that are inspired by Webern's piano works.